Daniel Rockberger

I was born in London England, and in 1981 at the age of 6 my parents decided to immigrate to Israel, our adventure started. I started my career which I could actually call a hobby, young and low. At first flying model gliders with the birds, then Unmanned vehicles (Drones) and finally Satellites. After my army service I studied mechanical engineering at the Technion finishing in 2003 and continued as an engineer in the UAV company. However, I had a bug in me, I wanted to go even higher, and my passion was Space, so I took a chance, quit my job, and went to Strasbourg France to pursue a masters in space and the International space university (ISU). My life changed, and after a 4-month internship at NASA working on a Moon Satellite (still up there today) I returned to Israel. I was lucky enough to be accepted to the Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) and worked there for 9 years on almost all Israel’s Satellites, mostly on the Amos Communication fleet. I formed NSL Satellites in 2009 and amongst other things sent 15 Israeli school experiments to the Space Station, and reached the final few hundred of the Europe Astronaut selection. In 2015 we formed NSLCOMM to change the way we use communications around the world.

Who is your favorite space person (astronaut, scientist, engineer, artist, lawyer)?


What food would you bring with you on a spaceship?

Cadbury chocolate

What is your favorite book?

Rich Dad Poor Dad Rich Dad Poor Dad

What is your favorite genre of music, band, or music artist?


If you could have a superpower, what would it be?


If you were part of a mission to space, what would you like to be your nickname?



Spacecraft Structures
