Alexandra Whitmire

Currently, I serve as the Element Scientist for the Human Factors and Behavioral Performance Element (HFBP) in the NASA Human Research Program. Our team works o define the research and technology gaps needed to address the psychological and human factors risks associated with a future exploration mission to the Moon and Mars. We consider the hazards astronauts will face on the lunar surface and en route to Mars, and identify whether or not current approaches will be sufficient towards mitigating risk. The unprecedented distance and duration of these future exploration missions will require new ways of supporting the psychological health of the crew. Our research focuses on mitigating adverse outcomes due to increased stress, poor team dynamics, inadequate human systems integration, sleep loss and circadian misalignment, and impact at landing. We work with other groups in the NASA Human Research Program to understand if and/or how physiological changes that have been shown in space (e.g. neurostructural changes) are clinically meaningful, and the implications for future clinical and operations support. Prior to serving as Element Scientist, I worked as the Deputy Element Scientist for HFBP, as well as the Discipline Scientist in the area of Sleep and Circadian Research at NASA. In this capacity I have worked with representatives from the International Partners towards developing policy for Fatigue Management. I also have had an opportunity to participate in research studies with the Behavioral Health and Performance Lab at NASA JSC.

Who is your favorite space person (astronaut, scientist, engineer, artist, lawyer)?

Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride, Steve Robinson; Jean-Loup Chrétien; Al Holland; artist Josh Simpson

What food would you bring with you on a spaceship?


What is your favorite book?


What is your favorite genre of music, band, or music artist?

I love 90s alternative

What is your favorite rocket or space mission?

Apollo 8, Apollo 11, Hubble missions, Mir missions

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

controlling time

If you were part of a mission to space, what would you like to be your nickname?

Murph (because Interstellar is my favorite movie)


Human Space Flight
Space Psychology
