Harshitha Chavan

Hi Everyone ! I am a recent Master of Space Studies 2021 graduate from the International Space University in Strasbourg, France and also go by as an Information Science Engineer from Bangalore, India. As part of my master's program at ISU, I had the opportunity to intern at JAXA under the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science directorate which is responsible for Japan's astronomical space missions. My time at JAXA and exposure to the Japanese work culture has been a cherishing experience indeed. I also completed a team and individual project as part of the MSS program deliverables. The individual report lies in the spectrum of my keen interest i.e., Astrobiology and I hope to pursue a career out of it in the near future. The project I landed was exoplanets capable of exhibiting life or life forms. The research and results were both interesting and I would like to study the topic as part of my further research as well, if given a chance. The team project dealt with the role of Space in tracking marine plastic debris and as a team we decided to narrow our scope to the formation of the sixth gyre in the Arctic Ocean. We proposed an interesting integrated strategy as a solution to the problem statement and had the opportunity to present our work at the IAC 2021 in Dubai. Astronaut analogs have always grabbed my attention during lectures in the past year at ISU and would like to experience one as well in my forthcoming Space career. As any kid who was asked "What is your ambition?" and to those who answered Astronauts and have accomplished that dream, I for one hope to fulfill my ambition as well, someday! Ad Astra!

Teaching Associate

Information Science

Kannada, Marathi